The Story
We'll flat out say it: news is not exactly created for our generation. It's not on the platforms we're on, it doesn't use the language we use, and it doesn't highlight the stories that are most important to us. That's a problem, because we're the ones who are going to be changing things. And you can't change the world unless you know about it. It's that simple.
We had to fix this problem. We needed a quick, fun way to know what was what, so we actually had the tools we need to make a difference.
Thus, The Cramm was born.
Delivered to your inbox every AM, The Cramm offers our generation's perspective on the latest happenings. It's short and straight to the point, delivering everything you need to know each day, in one text or email. The best part? It's all completely written by a teen who knows the feeling of trudging through newspaper articles or the nightly news.
- The Cramm Fam